[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Python Mega Course Build 10 Real World Applications
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:31a863406da84e6fd113d0c70b888051bb766bb4&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Python Mega Course Build 10 Real World Applications
5.18 GB
2020-6-11 23:32
2024-12-26 20:47
1. Introduction/1. Course Introduction.mp4 45.54 MB
1. Introduction/4. The Tools You Need.mp4 19.92 MB
1. Introduction/5. Installing Python 3 and an IDE (Windows, Mac, and Linux).mp4 84.38 MB
10. More on Functions/1. Functions with Multiple Arguments.mp4 16.08 MB
10. More on Functions/4. Default and Non-default Parameters and Keyword and Non-keyword Arguments.mp4 28.98 MB
10. More on Functions/5. Functions with an Arbitrary Number of Non-keyword Arguments.mp4 38.13 MB
10. More on Functions/8. Functions with an Arbitrary Number of Keyword Arguments.mp4 15.5 MB
11. File Processing/1. The Concept of Processing Files in Python.mp4 18.19 MB
11. File Processing/10. Writing Text to a File.mp4 32.68 MB
11. File Processing/13. Appending Text to an Existing File.mp4 29.33 MB
11. File Processing/2. Reading Text From a File.mp4 15.15 MB
11. File Processing/4. File Cursor.mp4 10.17 MB
11. File Processing/5. Closing a File.mp4 8.16 MB
11. File Processing/8. Opening Files Using with.mp4 11.22 MB
11. File Processing/9. Different Filepaths.mp4 8.31 MB
12. Imported Modules/1. Builtin Modules.mp4 64.1 MB
12. Imported Modules/2. Standard Python Modules.mp4 107.95 MB
12. Imported Modules/3. Third-Party Modules.mp4 70.25 MB
12. Imported Modules/4. Third-Party Module Example.mp4 32.31 MB
13. Application 1 Build an Interactive English Dictionary/10. Recommending the Best Match.mp4 18.65 MB
13. Application 1 Build an Interactive English Dictionary/11. Confirmation from the User.mp4 20.19 MB
13. Application 1 Build an Interactive English Dictionary/12. Optimizing the Final Output.mp4 15.34 MB
13. Application 1 Build an Interactive English Dictionary/2. Interactive English Dictionary - How The Output Will Look Like.mp4 7.62 MB
13. Application 1 Build an Interactive English Dictionary/3. The Data Source.mp4 11.72 MB
13. Application 1 Build an Interactive English Dictionary/4. Loading JSON Data.mp4 23.7 MB
13. Application 1 Build an Interactive English Dictionary/5. Returning the Definition of a Word.mp4 7.44 MB
13. Application 1 Build an Interactive English Dictionary/6. Taking Into Account Bad Words.mp4 6.45 MB
13. Application 1 Build an Interactive English Dictionary/7. Implementing Case Sensitivity.mp4 6.54 MB
13. Application 1 Build an Interactive English Dictionary/8. Similarity Ratio Between Two Words.mp4 12.24 MB
13. Application 1 Build an Interactive English Dictionary/9. Best Matches out of a List of Words.mp4 19.59 MB
14. Project Exercise with Python and MySQL Interactive English Dictionary/1. Intro to the App.mp4 12.55 MB
14. Project Exercise with Python and MySQL Interactive English Dictionary/2. Making the App.mp4 53.52 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/1. What is Pandas.mp4 11.61 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/10. Loading TXT Files.mp4 31.61 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/11. Set Header Row.mp4 20.23 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/12. Set Column Names.mp4 8.08 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/13. Set Index Column.mp4 43.11 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/14. Indexing and Slicing.mp4 45.03 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/15. Deleting Columns and Rows.mp4 21.43 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/16. Updating and Adding new Columns and Rows.mp4 17.32 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/18. Example Geocoding Addresses with Pandas and Geopy.mp4 162.24 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/3. Getting Started with Pandas.mp4 15.9 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/4. Getting Started with Jupyter Notebooks.mp4 26.75 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/5. Loading CSV Files.mp4 42.73 MB
15. Data Analysis with Pandas/9. Loading Excel Files.mp4 12.03 MB
16. Numpy/1. What is Numpy.mp4 14.17 MB
16. Numpy/3. Convert Images to Numpy Arrays.mp4 11.75 MB
16. Numpy/4. Indexing, Slicing, and Iterating Numpy Arrays.mp4 8.03 MB
16. Numpy/5. Stacking and Splitting Numpy Arrays.mp4 11.92 MB
17. Application 2 Create Webmaps with Python and Folium/1. Web Map - How The Output Will Look Like.mp4 3.83 MB
17. Application 2 Create Webmaps with Python and Folium/12. Solution.mp4 4.29 MB
17. Application 2 Create Webmaps with Python and Folium/13. GeoJson Data.mp4 28.34 MB
17. Application 2 Create Webmaps with Python and Folium/14. Adding a GeoJson Polygon Layer.mp4 13.45 MB
17. Application 2 Create Webmaps with Python and Folium/15. Choropleth Map.mp4 27.73 MB
17. Application 2 Create Webmaps with Python and Folium/16. Layer Control Panel.mp4 17.28 MB
17. Application 2 Create Webmaps with Python and Folium/2. The Basemap.mp4 34.64 MB
17. Application 2 Create Webmaps with Python and Folium/4. Adding Points.mp4 74.07 MB
17. Application 2 Create Webmaps with Python and Folium/5. Adding Multiple Points.mp4 9.57 MB
17. Application 2 Create Webmaps with Python and Folium/6. Adding Points from Files.mp4 37.37 MB
17. Application 2 Create Webmaps with Python and Folium/7. Popup Windows on Map.mp4 34.78 MB
17. Application 2 Create Webmaps with Python and Folium/9. Color Points.mp4 20.46 MB
18. Fixing Programming Errors/1. Syntax Errors.mp4 14.11 MB
18. Fixing Programming Errors/2. Runtime Errors.mp4 19.08 MB
18. Fixing Programming Errors/4. How to Fix Difficult Errors.mp4 17.26 MB
18. Fixing Programming Errors/5. Good Programming Questions.mp4 16.9 MB
18. Fixing Programming Errors/6. Error Handling.mp4 14.2 MB
19. Application 3 Build a Website Blocker/1. Website Blocker - How The Output Will Look Like.mp4 6.84 MB
19. Application 3 Build a Website Blocker/2. Application Architecture.mp4 7.95 MB
19. Application 3 Build a Website Blocker/3. Setting up the Script.mp4 18.16 MB
19. Application 3 Build a Website Blocker/4. Setting up the Infinite Loop.mp4 19.73 MB
19. Application 3 Build a Website Blocker/5. Implementing the First Part.mp4 26.33 MB
19. Application 3 Build a Website Blocker/6. Implementing the Second Part.mp4 45.24 MB
19. Application 3 Build a Website Blocker/8. Scheduling the Python Program on Windows.mp4 30.23 MB
19. Application 3 Build a Website Blocker/9. Scheduling the Python Program on Mac and Linux.mp4 14.28 MB
2. The Basics Small Program/1. Your First Python Code.mp4 20.72 MB
2. The Basics Small Program/2. Your First Python Program.mp4 80.05 MB
20. Application 4 Build a Personal Website with Python and Flask/1. Personal Website - How The Output Will Look Like.mp4 2.71 MB
20. Application 4 Build a Personal Website with Python and Flask/10. Maintaining the Live Website.mp4 15.58 MB
20. Application 4 Build a Personal Website with Python and Flask/2. Your First Website.mp4 52.38 MB
20. Application 4 Build a Personal Website with Python and Flask/3. HTML Templates.mp4 8.05 MB
20. Application 4 Build a Personal Website with Python and Flask/4. Navigation Menu.mp4 17.34 MB
20. Application 4 Build a Personal Website with Python and Flask/6. CSS Styling.mp4 12.71 MB
20. Application 4 Build a Personal Website with Python and Flask/7. Creating a Python Virtual Environment.mp4 13.2 MB
20. Application 4 Build a Personal Website with Python and Flask/9. Deploying the Website to a Live Server.mp4 56.77 MB
21. Graphical User Interfaces with Tkinter/1. Introduction to Tkinter.mp4 4.46 MB
21. Graphical User Interfaces with Tkinter/2. Setting up a GUI with Widgets.mp4 16.22 MB
21. Graphical User Interfaces with Tkinter/3. Connecting GUI Widgets with Callback Functions.mp4 16.99 MB
22. Interacting with Databases/1. Introduction to Python with Databases.mp4 4.99 MB
22. Interacting with Databases/2. Connecting and Inserting Data to SQLite via Python.mp4 23.94 MB
22. Interacting with Databases/3. Selecting, Inserting, Deleting, and Updating SQLite Records.mp4 13.51 MB
22. Interacting with Databases/4. Introduction to PostgreSQL Psycopg2.mp4 20.36 MB
22. Interacting with Databases/5. Selecting, Inserting, Deleting, and Updating PostgreSQL Records.mp4 27.67 MB
23. Application 5 Build a Desktop Database Application/1. Desktop Database App - How The Output Will Look Like.mp4 4.32 MB
23. Application 5 Build a Desktop Database Application/2. User Interface Design.mp4 9.75 MB
23. Application 5 Build a Desktop Database Application/3. Frontend Interface.mp4 26.19 MB
23. Application 5 Build a Desktop Database Application/4. Backend.mp4 46.69 MB
23. Application 5 Build a Desktop Database Application/5. Connecting the Frontend to the Backend, Part 1.mp4 37.34 MB
23. Application 5 Build a Desktop Database Application/6. Connecting the Frontend to the Backend, Part 2.mp4 49.09 MB
23. Application 5 Build a Desktop Database Application/9. Creating a Standalone Executable Version of the Program.mp4 10.81 MB
24. Object Oriented Programming/1. Object Oriented Programming Explained.mp4 9.8 MB
24. Object Oriented Programming/2. Turning this Application into OOP Style, Part 1.mp4 30.69 MB
24. Object Oriented Programming/3. Turning this Application into OOP Style, Part 2.mp4 34.26 MB
24. Object Oriented Programming/4. Creating a Bank Account Object.mp4 39.2 MB
24. Object Oriented Programming/5. Inheritance.mp4 22.47 MB
24. Object Oriented Programming/6. OOP Glossary.mp4 16.35 MB
25. Python for Image and Video Processing with OpenCV/1. Introduction.mp4 4.04 MB
25. Python for Image and Video Processing with OpenCV/3. Loading, Displaying, Resizing, and Writing Images.mp4 30.95 MB
25. Python for Image and Video Processing with OpenCV/6. Solution with Explanations.mp4 8.15 MB
25. Python for Image and Video Processing with OpenCV/7. Face Detection.mp4 40.59 MB
25. Python for Image and Video Processing with OpenCV/8. Capturing Video.mp4 36.15 MB
26. Application 6 Build a Webcam Motion Detector/1. Webcam Motion Detector - How The Output Will Look Like.mp4 5.53 MB
26. Application 6 Build a Webcam Motion Detector/2. Detecting Webcam Objects.mp4 252.15 MB
26. Application 6 Build a Webcam Motion Detector/3. Capturing Motion Time.mp4 49.44 MB
27. Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh/1. Introduction to Bokeh.mp4 3.89 MB
27. Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh/14. Time-series Plots.mp4 15.43 MB
27. Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh/15. More Visualization Examples with Bokeh.mp4 11.91 MB
27. Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh/16. Plotting Time Intervals of the Motion Detector.mp4 28.74 MB
27. Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh/17. Hover Tool Implementation.mp4 20.37 MB
27. Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh/3. Your First Bokeh Plot.mp4 19.38 MB
27. Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh/6. Using Bokeh with Pandas.mp4 10.43 MB
28. Webscraping with Python Beautiful Soup/1. Section Introduction.mp4 3.19 MB
28. Webscraping with Python Beautiful Soup/2. The Concept Behind Webscraping.mp4 10.17 MB
28. Webscraping with Python Beautiful Soup/4. Webscraping Example.mp4 37.37 MB
29. Application 7 Scrape Real Estate Property Data from the Web/1. Scraped Website Data - How The Output Will Look Like.mp4 6.94 MB
29. Application 7 Scrape Real Estate Property Data from the Web/3. Loading the Webpage in Python.mp4 22.17 MB
29. Application 7 Scrape Real Estate Property Data from the Web/4. Extracting div Tags.mp4 31.35 MB
29. Application 7 Scrape Real Estate Property Data from the Web/5. Extracting Addresses and Property Details.mp4 37.07 MB
29. Application 7 Scrape Real Estate Property Data from the Web/6. Extracting Elements without Unique Identifiers.mp4 32.17 MB
29. Application 7 Scrape Real Estate Property Data from the Web/7. Saving the Extracted Data in CSV Files.mp4 21.97 MB
29. Application 7 Scrape Real Estate Property Data from the Web/8. Crawling Through Webpages.mp4 58.79 MB
3. The Basics Data Types/1. Variables.mp4 16.97 MB
3. The Basics Data Types/11. Type Attributes.mp4 22.89 MB
3. The Basics Data Types/13. How to Find Out What Code You Need.mp4 49.78 MB
3. The Basics Data Types/14. Bonus Steps of Learning Python.mp4 12.84 MB
3. The Basics Data Types/18. Dictionary Types.mp4 35.04 MB
3. The Basics Data Types/21. Tuple Types.mp4 21.07 MB
3. The Basics Data Types/24. How to Use Datatypes in the Real World.mp4 11.42 MB
3. The Basics Data Types/4. Simple Types Integers, Strings, and Floats.mp4 15.79 MB
3. The Basics Data Types/7. List Types.mp4 5.63 MB
30. Application 8 Build a Web-based Financial Graph/1. Web-based Financial Graph - How The Output Will Look Like.mp4 3.45 MB
30. Application 8 Build a Web-based Financial Graph/11. Embedding the Bokeh Chart in a Webpage.mp4 36.77 MB
30. Application 8 Build a Web-based Financial Graph/12. Deploying the Chart Website to a Live Server.mp4 25.31 MB
30. Application 8 Build a Web-based Financial Graph/2. Downloading Datasets with Python.mp4 31.69 MB
30. Application 8 Build a Web-based Financial Graph/3. Stock Market Data.mp4 6.88 MB
30. Application 8 Build a Web-based Financial Graph/4. Stock Market Data Candlestick Charts.mp4 11.52 MB
30. Application 8 Build a Web-based Financial Graph/5. Candlestick Charts with Bokeh Quadrants.mp4 22.27 MB
30. Application 8 Build a Web-based Financial Graph/6. Candlestick Charts with Bokeh Rectangles.mp4 51.06 MB
30. Application 8 Build a Web-based Financial Graph/7. Candlestick Segments.mp4 14.25 MB
30. Application 8 Build a Web-based Financial Graph/8. Stylizing the Chart.mp4 47.54 MB
30. Application 8 Build a Web-based Financial Graph/9. The Concept Behind Embedding Bokeh Charts in a Flask Webpage.mp4 38.02 MB
31. Application 9 Build a Data Collector Web App with PostGreSQL and Flask/1. Data Collector Web App - How The Output Will Look Like.mp4 28.35 MB
31. Application 9 Build a Data Collector Web App with PostGreSQL and Flask/10. Deploying the Web Application to a Live Server.mp4 74.97 MB
31. Application 9 Build a Data Collector Web App with PostGreSQL and Flask/11. Bonus Lecture Implementing Download and Upload in your Web App.mp4 55.29 MB
31. Application 9 Build a Data Collector Web App with PostGreSQL and Flask/2. PostGreSQL Database Web App with Flask Steps.mp4 10.19 MB
31. Application 9 Build a Data Collector Web App with PostGreSQL and Flask/3. Frontend HTML Part.mp4 26.77 MB
31. Application 9 Build a Data Collector Web App with PostGreSQL and Flask/4. Frontend CSS Part.mp4 20.9 MB
31. Application 9 Build a Data Collector Web App with PostGreSQL and Flask/5. Backend Getting User Input.mp4 34.03 MB
31. Application 9 Build a Data Collector Web App with PostGreSQL and Flask/6. Backend The PostGreSQL Database Model.mp4 40.79 MB
31. Application 9 Build a Data Collector Web App with PostGreSQL and Flask/7. Backend Storing User Data to the Database.mp4 50.04 MB
31. Application 9 Build a Data Collector Web App with PostGreSQL and Flask/8. Backend Emailing Database Values Back to the User.mp4 25.93 MB
31. Application 9 Build a Data Collector Web App with PostGreSQL and Flask/9. Backend Sending Statistics to Users.mp4 40.18 MB
32. Application 10 Project Exercise on Building a Geocoder Web Service/1. Student Project - How The Output Should Look Like.mp4 14.37 MB
32. Application 10 Project Exercise on Building a Geocoder Web Service/2. Solution, Part 1.mp4 35.33 MB
32. Application 10 Project Exercise on Building a Geocoder Web Service/3. Solution, Part 2.mp4 13.86 MB
4. The Basics Operations with Data Types/1. Python Shell and Terminal Tip.mp4 7.79 MB
4. The Basics Operations with Data Types/10. Accessing List Slices.mp4 30.92 MB
4. The Basics Operations with Data Types/11. Accessing Items and Slices with Negative Indexes.mp4 24.51 MB
4. The Basics Operations with Data Types/12. Accessing Characters and Slices in Strings.mp4 13.18 MB
4. The Basics Operations with Data Types/17. Accessing Items in Dictionaries.mp4 16.81 MB
4. The Basics Operations with Data Types/2. More Operations with Lists.mp4 57.22 MB
4. The Basics Operations with Data Types/6. Accessing List Items.mp4 21.5 MB
5. The Basics Functions and Conditionals/1. Creating Your Own Functions.mp4 66.45 MB
5. The Basics Functions and Conditionals/11. More on Conditionals.mp4 25.5 MB
5. The Basics Functions and Conditionals/14. Elif Conditionals.mp4 11.84 MB
5. The Basics Functions and Conditionals/15. White Space.mp4 34.74 MB
5. The Basics Functions and Conditionals/5. Print or Return.mp4 49.34 MB
5. The Basics Functions and Conditionals/6. Intro to Conditionals.mp4 9.75 MB
5. The Basics Functions and Conditionals/7. If Conditional Example.mp4 42.52 MB
5. The Basics Functions and Conditionals/9. Conditional Explained Line by Line.mp4 32.81 MB
6. The Basics Processing User Input/1. User Input.mp4 87.17 MB
6. The Basics Processing User Input/2. String Formatting.mp4 23.34 MB
6. The Basics Processing User Input/3. String Formatting with Multiple Variables.mp4 26.7 MB
7. The Basics Loops/1. For Loops How and Why.mp4 62.78 MB
7. The Basics Loops/12. While Loops How and Why.mp4 28.4 MB
7. The Basics Loops/13. While Loop Example with User Input.mp4 33.08 MB
7. The Basics Loops/15. While Loops with Break and Continue.mp4 18.94 MB
7. The Basics Loops/8. Looping Through a Dictionary.mp4 12.4 MB
8. Putting the Pieces Together Building a Program/1. Problem Statement.mp4 15.1 MB
8. Putting the Pieces Together Building a Program/2. Approaching the Problem.mp4 8.5 MB
8. Putting the Pieces Together Building a Program/3. Building the Maker Function.mp4 28.41 MB
8. Putting the Pieces Together Building a Program/4. Constructing the Loop.mp4 28.44 MB
8. Putting the Pieces Together Building a Program/5. Making the Output User-Friendly.mp4 26.29 MB
9. List Comprehensions/1. Simple List Comprehension.mp4 16.38 MB
9. List Comprehensions/2. List Comprehension with If Conditional.mp4 6.14 MB
9. List Comprehensions/5. List Comprehension with If-Else Conditional.mp4 9.77 MB