[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Complete Android & Kotlin Development Course
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:548a2bffe78e6041438b0a1aacb236ba69c1adb3&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Complete Android & Kotlin Development Course
19.05 GB
2024-1-5 13:03
2024-12-26 03:48
1. Introduction/1. Install Intellij IDEA.mp4 40.16 MB
1. Introduction/2. Install Intellij IDEA For Linux.mp4 20.01 MB
1. Introduction/3. Hello World Program.mp4 67.12 MB
1. Introduction/4. Variables.mp4 60.22 MB
10. Collections/1. List, Set, Map..mp4 83.76 MB
10. Collections/10. Retrieve collection parts.mp4 101.42 MB
10. Collections/11. Retrieve collection single elements.mp4 19.58 MB
10. Collections/12. Aggregate operations sum(), average(), count(), minOrNull(), maxOrNull().mp4 20.22 MB
10. Collections/13. Comparable and Comparator.mp4 153.9 MB
10. Collections/14. Binary Search.mp4 69.68 MB
10. Collections/2. Transformations Mapping.mp4 58.85 MB
10. Collections/3. Transformation Zipping and Association.mp4 84.24 MB
10. Collections/4. Transformations Flatten.mp4 51.19 MB
10. Collections/5. Transformations String Representation.mp4 53.49 MB
10. Collections/6. Filtering.mp4 97.92 MB
10. Collections/7. Test predicates any(), none(), all().mp4 18.55 MB
10. Collections/8. Plus and minus operators.mp4 12.52 MB
10. Collections/9. Grouping.mp4 18.67 MB
11. Generics/1. Generics Type Parameters and Casting.mp4 70.66 MB
11. Generics/2. Generics Upper Bounds.mp4 73.51 MB
11. Generics/3. Generics Covariance and Contravariance.mp4 66.09 MB
11. Generics/4. Generics Type Erasure and Reified keyword.mp4 71.25 MB
11. Generics/5. Generics Where; 2 Upper Bounds.mp4 49.43 MB
11. Generics/6. Access Modifiers.mp4 78.45 MB
12. Package and Imports/1. Packages and Imports.mp4 64.1 MB
13. Exceptions/1. Exceptions Try, Catch, Finally.mp4 44.91 MB
14. Lambdas and Higher Order Functions/1. Lambda Function and Higher Order Functions.mp4 82.37 MB
14. Lambdas and Higher Order Functions/2. Lambda it keyword.mp4 19 MB
14. Lambdas and Higher Order Functions/3. Scope Functions let, run, apply, with, also..mp4 92.69 MB
15. Threads/1. Threads.mp4 32.52 MB
16. Coroutines/1. Coroutines Introduction.mp4 26.23 MB
16. Coroutines/2. Coroutines Implementation.mp4 109.65 MB
16. Coroutines/3. Coroutines Builders launch, async and runBlocking.mp4 144.85 MB
16. Coroutines/4. Coroutines Cancellations, Timeouts and Exceptions.mp4 99.89 MB
16. Coroutines/5. Coroutines Structured Concurrency, Exceptions.mp4 135.69 MB
16. Coroutines/6. Coroutines Sequential, Parallel, Lazy.mp4 64.71 MB
16. Coroutines/7. Coroutines withContext.mp4 29.07 MB
17. Databases/1. SQL for Windows.mp4 33 MB
17. Databases/2. SQL for Mac.mp4 3.34 MB
17. Databases/3. SQL for Linux.mp4 3.52 MB
17. Databases/4. Database Create Table; Insert Data, Select Data from Table..mp4 32.77 MB
17. Databases/5. Database Update and Delete..mp4 38 MB
17. Databases/6. Database Join.mp4 102.73 MB
17. Databases/7. Database SUM(), MAX(), MIN().mp4 39.99 MB
17. Databases/8. Database ORDER BY and the AND operator.mp4 53.42 MB
18. Android/1. Download and Install Android Studio.mp4 65.27 MB
18. Android/10. Button OnClickListener.mp4 67.17 MB
18. Android/11. EditText.mp4 94.82 MB
18. Android/2. Android Studio Presentation.mp4 111.14 MB
18. Android/3. Android File Structure.mp4 49.3 MB
18. Android/4. Android XML and Design.mp4 79.99 MB
18. Android/5. Android XML Properties.mp4 24.28 MB
18. Android/6. What is findViewById() function.mp4 50.22 MB
18. Android/7. String XML.mp4 22.46 MB
18. Android/8. What is Manifest folder.mp4 61.21 MB
18. Android/9. Button and TextView.mp4 58.21 MB
19. Convert to Inches App/1. Convert to Inches UI.mp4 105.65 MB
19. Convert to Inches App/2. Convert to Inches Code.mp4 97.11 MB
2. Data Types/1. Integer.mp4 52.82 MB
2. Data Types/2. Byte, Short and Long.mp4 54.52 MB
2. Data Types/3. Float and Double.mp4 31.83 MB
2. Data Types/4. Char and Boolean.mp4 41.32 MB
20. Change Color App/1. Change Color.mp4 92.54 MB
21. Widgets/1. Radio Button 1.mp4 59.93 MB
21. Widgets/2. Radio Button 2.mp4 64.74 MB
21. Widgets/3. SeekBar.mp4 140.26 MB
21. Widgets/4. Toggle Button.mp4 47.57 MB
21. Widgets/5. CheckBox 1.mp4 81.31 MB
21. Widgets/6. CheckBox 2.mp4 92.43 MB
22. Activity/1. What is an Activity.mp4 27.78 MB
22. Activity/2. Activity Lifecycle.mp4 47.9 MB
22. Activity/3. Starting Activities.mp4 61.32 MB
22. Activity/4. Sending Data to other Activities.mp4 102.52 MB
22. Activity/5. Sending Data back from Activities.mp4 114.01 MB
23. Quiz App/1. Quiz App Intro.mp4 18.05 MB
23. Quiz App/10. Quiz App - Sending data to ResultActivity.mp4 156.85 MB
23. Quiz App/11. Quiz App - Fixing score bug.mp4 4.29 MB
23. Quiz App/2. Quiz App UI - Welcome Screen.mp4 157.82 MB
23. Quiz App/3. Quiz App - Creating Question Model.mp4 154.16 MB
23. Quiz App/4. Quiz App - Setting the QuizActitivty.mp4 119.88 MB
23. Quiz App/5. Quiz App - Connecting UI with the Model.mp4 181.55 MB
23. Quiz App/6. Quiz App - Adding the Button functionality.mp4 160.32 MB
23. Quiz App/7. Quiz App - Selecting the Right and Wrong answers.mp4 148.02 MB
23. Quiz App/8. Quiz App - Setting up the UI for ResultActivity.mp4 39.87 MB
23. Quiz App/9. Quiz App - Improve code.mp4 25.58 MB
24. RecyclerView/1. RecyclerView 1.mp4 77.16 MB
24. RecyclerView/2. RecyclerView Adaptor 1.mp4 38.69 MB
24. RecyclerView/3. RecyclerView Adaptor 2.mp4 113.86 MB
24. RecyclerView/4. RecyclerView Item Click Listener.mp4 47.49 MB
24. RecyclerView/5. RecyclerView Open new Activity.mp4 92.67 MB
25. Android/1. Themes.mp4 168.83 MB
25. Android/2. Menu.mp4 116.41 MB
25. Android/3. Toolbar.mp4 67.33 MB
25. Android/4. Linear layout.mp4 52.82 MB
25. Android/5. Relative layout.mp4 43.6 MB
25. Android/6. NestedScrollView.mp4 16.61 MB
25. Android/7. Constraint layout.mp4 82.13 MB
26. Drawing App/1. Drawing App Intro.mp4 23.72 MB
26. Drawing App/10. Drawing App - Fix Background of the Buttons.mp4 56.53 MB
26. Drawing App/11. Drawing App - Change Brush Color.mp4 117.64 MB
26. Drawing App/12. Drawing App - Undo Paths.mp4 38.61 MB
26. Drawing App/13. Drawing App - Color Picker Dialog.mp4 72.43 MB
26. Drawing App/14. Drawing App - Request Permissions.mp4 159.34 MB
26. Drawing App/15. Drawing App - Getting Image from Gallery.mp4 75.54 MB
26. Drawing App/16. Drawing App - Save Image in the Phone.mp4 97.95 MB
26. Drawing App/17. Drawing App - Save Image on the Phone 2.mp4 83.61 MB
26. Drawing App/18. Drawing App - Save Image on the Phone 3.mp4 88.19 MB
26. Drawing App/2. Drawing App - DrawingView 1.mp4 88.12 MB
26. Drawing App/3. Drawing App - DrawingView 2.mp4 142.75 MB
26. Drawing App/4. Drawing App - Let The Drawing Persist.mp4 27.5 MB
26. Drawing App/5. Drawing App - How to use DisplayMetrics.mp4 42.25 MB
26. Drawing App/6. Drawing App - Selecting Brush Size.mp4 120.54 MB
26. Drawing App/7. Drawing App - scaleType.mp4 9.68 MB
26. Drawing App/8. Drawing App - Adding Buttons.mp4 239.45 MB
26. Drawing App/9. Drawing App - Adding Button Alternative way.mp4 94.87 MB
27. Navigation Drawer and Fragments/1. Navigation Drawer 1.mp4 80.99 MB
27. Navigation Drawer and Fragments/10. Collapsing Toolbar.mp4 210.27 MB
27. Navigation Drawer and Fragments/2. NavigationDrawer 2.mp4 143.04 MB
27. Navigation Drawer and Fragments/3. Navigation Drawer 3.mp4 132.84 MB
27. Navigation Drawer and Fragments/4. Fragments 1.mp4 184.53 MB
27. Navigation Drawer and Fragments/5. Fragments 2.mp4 220.66 MB
27. Navigation Drawer and Fragments/6. BottomNavigationView.mp4 131.11 MB
27. Navigation Drawer and Fragments/7. BottomSheetDialog.mp4 132.87 MB
27. Navigation Drawer and Fragments/8. PersistentBottomSheet.mp4 150.13 MB
27. Navigation Drawer and Fragments/9. Editext TextWatcher.mp4 80.87 MB
28. Firestore/1. Firestore Introduction.mp4 13.51 MB
28. Firestore/10. Firestore Chain multiple queries.mp4 59.18 MB
28. Firestore/11. Firestore Getting data using separated queries.mp4 98.85 MB
28. Firestore/12. Firestore Pagination.mp4 156.02 MB
28. Firestore/13. Firestore Listen to Document Changes.mp4 57.28 MB
28. Firestore/14. Firestore Batch Writes.mp4 72.82 MB
28. Firestore/15. Firestore Transaction.mp4 49.97 MB
28. Firestore/16. Firestore Adding Arrays.mp4 156.95 MB
28. Firestore/17. Firestore Nested Objects.mp4 73.44 MB
28. Firestore/18. Firestore SubCollections.mp4 39.02 MB
28. Firestore/2. Firestore Setup and adding data to document.mp4 126.51 MB
28. Firestore/3. Firestore Load Document Data.mp4 113.71 MB
28. Firestore/4. Firestore Adding SnapshotListener.mp4 65.87 MB
28. Firestore/5. Firestore Updating a single field.mp4 89.6 MB
28. Firestore/6. Firestore Delete field and document.mp4 68.62 MB
28. Firestore/7. Firestore Save and Retrieve Data using a custom object.mp4 47.43 MB
28. Firestore/8. Firestore Retrieve multiple documents.mp4 196.46 MB
28. Firestore/9. Firestore Query data.mp4 95.15 MB
29. Navigation Component/1. Navigation Graph.mp4 318.43 MB
29. Navigation Component/2. Animations.mp4 82.15 MB
29. Navigation Component/3. Navigation popUp and popUpToInclusive.mp4 42.53 MB
29. Navigation Component/4. Navigation Sending data through bundle.mp4 155.4 MB
3. Operators/1. Operators.mp4 87.45 MB
3. Operators/2. Comments.mp4 8.58 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/1. SharedPreferences.mp4 105.98 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/10. SQLite Room 2 Note App.mp4 74.89 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/11. SQLite Room 3 Note App.mp4 20.68 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/12. SQLite Room 4 Note App.mp4 67.47 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/13. SQLite Room 5 RecyclerView Adaptor.mp4 134.99 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/14. SQLite Room 6 Adaptor 2.mp4 39.82 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/15. SQLite Room 7 AddEditNoteActivity.mp4 312.68 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/16. SQLite Room 8 Swipe to Delete.mp4 98.93 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/17. SQLite Room 9 EditNote.mp4 180.37 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/18. SQLite Room 10 Animatons.mp4 97.63 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/2. SQL 1.mp4 51.77 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/3. SQL 2.mp4 37.8 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/4. SQL 3.mp4 72.62 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/5. SQL 4.mp4 124.6 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/6. SQL 5.mp4 66.31 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/7. SQL 6.mp4 76.11 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/8. SQLlite Room Introduction.mp4 17.03 MB
30. Databases and Note App [MVVM]/9. SQLite Room 1 Note App.mp4 35.26 MB
31. Wheather App, Gson and Retrofit/1. What is JSON.mp4 7.72 MB
31. Wheather App, Gson and Retrofit/10. Retrofit - POST Request.mp4 50.37 MB
31. Wheather App, Gson and Retrofit/11. Retrofit - FormUrlEncoded.mp4 75 MB
31. Wheather App, Gson and Retrofit/12. Retrofit - PUT, PATCH and DELETE.mp4 102.16 MB
31. Wheather App, Gson and Retrofit/2. Gson - Serialization and Deserialization.mp4 85.84 MB
31. Wheather App, Gson and Retrofit/3. Gson - Nested Objects.mp4 59.67 MB
31. Wheather App, Gson and Retrofit/4. Gson - Custom Type.mp4 94.35 MB
31. Wheather App, Gson and Retrofit/5. Gson - Expose.mp4 73.94 MB
31. Wheather App, Gson and Retrofit/6. Gson - Custom Exclusion Strategy.mp4 39.8 MB
31. Wheather App, Gson and Retrofit/7. Retrofit - GET Request.mp4 194.53 MB
31. Wheather App, Gson and Retrofit/8. Retrofit - URL Manipulation Path, Query.mp4 164.85 MB
31. Wheather App, Gson and Retrofit/9. Retrofit - URL Manipulation Query Map.mp4 42.86 MB
32. Chat Application/1. Chat App Intro.mp4 28.29 MB
32. Chat Application/10. ChatApp Code - Fixing error.mp4 254.37 MB
32. Chat Application/11. ChatApp Code - Solution.mp4 47.29 MB
32. Chat Application/12. ChatApp Code - Setting up the ChatActivity.mp4 263 MB
32. Chat Application/13. Chat App Code - Sending and Retrieve messages.mp4 145.98 MB
32. Chat Application/14. Chat App Code - Sing out the user.mp4 108.13 MB
32. Chat Application/15. Chat App Code - Fix messages.mp4 3.12 MB
32. Chat Application/16. Chat App Code - Ordering the messages.mp4 65.58 MB
32. Chat Application/17. ChatApp Code - ChatMessage.mp4 3.91 MB
32. Chat Application/18. Chat App Code - Sending Image Message.mp4 119.76 MB
32. Chat Application/19. Chat App Code - Sending Image Message 2.mp4 203.49 MB
32. Chat Application/2. DataBinding.mp4 60.7 MB
32. Chat Application/3. ChatApp UI - Sing in and Sing up.mp4 326.7 MB
32. Chat Application/4. 88 ChatApp UI - Theme.mp4 21.65 MB
32. Chat Application/5. ChatApp Code - Authenticate and Create Account for the User.mp4 192.54 MB
32. Chat Application/6. ChatApp UI - Pick Profile Photo.mp4 163.24 MB
32. Chat Application/7. ChatApp Code - Ask for permission of internal storage.mp4 108.11 MB
32. Chat Application/8. ChatApp Code - Adding the image to Fireabase Storage.mp4 292.86 MB
32. Chat Application/9. ChatApp Code - Sending user to Chat Activity.mp4 69.01 MB
4. Control Flow/1. New Window.mp4 5.62 MB
4. Control Flow/2. If Statement.mp4 54.3 MB
4. Control Flow/3. Operators Less than or equal to operator.mp4 41.18 MB
4. Control Flow/4. Logincal AND operator.mp4 20.16 MB
4. Control Flow/5. Logical OR operator and If Expression.mp4 74.89 MB
4. Control Flow/6. When Statement-Expression.mp4 66.13 MB
5. Null/1. Null Values and Null Safety.mp4 67.42 MB
6. Functions/1. Functions.mp4 71.04 MB
6. Functions/2. Functions Return and Expressions.mp4 46.48 MB
6. Functions/3. Function Overloading.mp4 27.92 MB
6. Functions/4. Functions Default Values.mp4 45.53 MB
6. Functions/5. Functions vararg keyword.mp4 43.32 MB
7. Loops/1. For Loop.mp4 38.25 MB
7. Loops/2. While, Do While and Labels.mp4 113.76 MB
7. Loops/3. Loops Challenge.mp4 68.98 MB
8. Arrays/1. Arrays.mp4 86.3 MB
8. Arrays/2. Arrays Challenge.mp4 86.52 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/1. Classes.mp4 84.2 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/10. Lazy Initialization.mp4 27.35 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/11. Enum Class.mp4 74.81 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/12. Inner Class.mp4 19.93 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/13. OOP Challenge.mp4 83.09 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/14. Inheritance 1.mp4 90.34 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/15. Inheritance 2.mp4 63.81 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/16. Sealed Class.mp4 63.69 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/17. Abstract Classes.mp4 25.17 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/18. Data Class.mp4 131.43 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/19. Interface 1.mp4 45.22 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/2. Primary Constructor.mp4 84.08 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/20. Interface 2.mp4 82.66 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/21. Object Expression.mp4 37.35 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/22. Delegation.mp4 34.57 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/3. Initializer Block.mp4 70.4 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/4. Secondary Constructor.mp4 82.88 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/5. Default Values For Constructor Parameters.mp4 36.5 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/6. Getters and Setters.mp4 94.51 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/7. Lateinit keyword.mp4 43.65 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/8. Companion Object.mp4 39.52 MB
9. Object Oriented Programming/9. Singleton.mp4 47.61 MB