[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Selenium 4.0 LATEST - All New Features Docker Integration
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6a66cc01ef74f8fccd098ef77110ee679833b9e7&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Selenium 4.0 LATEST - All New Features Docker Integration
4.55 GB
2022-2-20 07:55
2025-3-17 12:05
1. Introduction/1. Introduction to the course.mp4 23.07 MB
1. Introduction/2. Important to know before getting started with the course.mp4 41.4 MB
10. Selenium Grid 4/1. Understanding the Grid 4 Architecture.mp4 67.11 MB
10. Selenium Grid 4/3. Configuring Ubuntu virtual machine.mp4 15.83 MB
10. Selenium Grid 4/4. Running as a standalone Grid.mp4 67.93 MB
10. Selenium Grid 4/5. Running test cases in parallel.mp4 122.42 MB
10. Selenium Grid 4/6. Hub and Nodes.mp4 54.9 MB
10. Selenium Grid 4/7. Distributed.mp4 64.25 MB
11. Grid 4 with DOCKER/1. What is Docker.mp4 83.84 MB
11. Grid 4 with DOCKER/2. Docker on a Standalone mode.mp4 63.77 MB
11. Grid 4 with DOCKER/3. Docker for Hub and Nodes.mp4 25.56 MB
11. Grid 4 with DOCKER/4. Docker for Hub and Nodes with Docker compose.mp4 79.94 MB
11. Grid 4 with DOCKER/5. Docker compose for Fully distributed.mp4 87.66 MB
11. Grid 4 with DOCKER/6. Docker Selenium Grid 4 with video recording feature.mp4 43.7 MB
2. Selenium Journey/1. What is Selenium.mp4 26.17 MB
2. Selenium Journey/2. Difference in Selenium 1, 2, 3 & 4 versions.mp4 74.05 MB
2. Selenium Journey/3. Selenium 4 Walkthrough with Updates and New Features.mp4 92.33 MB
2. Selenium Journey/4. The new Selenium IDE.mp4 36.28 MB
3. Getting started - Pre-requisite/1. Pre-requisite.mp4 22.72 MB
3. Getting started - Pre-requisite/10. Configuring other browsers - Firefox and Edge.mp4 38.56 MB
3. Getting started - Pre-requisite/12. Understanding the WebDriver API Doc.mp4 194.17 MB
3. Getting started - Pre-requisite/2. Install JDK - Windows.mp4 26.53 MB
3. Getting started - Pre-requisite/3. Install JDK - MAC OSX.mp4 9.4 MB
3. Getting started - Pre-requisite/4. Install Maven - Windows.mp4 14.35 MB
3. Getting started - Pre-requisite/5. Install Maven - MAC OSX.mp4 92.73 MB
3. Getting started - Pre-requisite/6. Installing Eclipse IDE.mp4 18.36 MB
3. Getting started - Pre-requisite/7. Running the first test via Manual Jars.mp4 70.4 MB
3. Getting started - Pre-requisite/8. Mapping the API Code.mp4 60.5 MB
3. Getting started - Pre-requisite/9. Automating Dependency and browser executables via Maven.mp4 71.07 MB
4. Selenium 4 - Handling Elements and Relative Locators/1. Getting started with Handling Elements.mp4 112.2 MB
4. Selenium 4 - Handling Elements and Relative Locators/10. Chaining Relative Locators.mp4 43.2 MB
4. Selenium 4 - Handling Elements and Relative Locators/12. Relative Locators with Multiple Elements.mp4 42.49 MB
4. Selenium 4 - Handling Elements and Relative Locators/3. Minimizing, Maximizing and Full Screen window.mp4 39.68 MB
4. Selenium 4 - Handling Elements and Relative Locators/4. Handling Sync issues - ImplicitWait.mp4 213.66 MB
4. Selenium 4 - Handling Elements and Relative Locators/5. Handling Sync issues - ExplicitWait.mp4 87.44 MB
4. Selenium 4 - Handling Elements and Relative Locators/6. Handling Sync issues - FluentWait.mp4 101.97 MB
4. Selenium 4 - Handling Elements and Relative Locators/8. Relative Locators - Above, Below, RightOf, LeftOf and Near.mp4 153.55 MB
5. Capturing Screenshots/1. Capturing Element's Screenshot.mp4 75.16 MB
5. Capturing Screenshots/3. Capturing Page and Full Page Screenshot.mp4 104.4 MB
6. Xpath vs CSS/1. Understanding Xpath in Depth - Part 1.mp4 318.26 MB
6. Xpath vs CSS/2. Understanding Xpath in Depth - Part 2.mp4 184.09 MB
6. Xpath vs CSS/3. Understanding CSS in Depth.mp4 117.98 MB
6. Xpath vs CSS/4. Tools for Generating Xpath and CSS.mp4 108.08 MB
7. Selenium 4 - New Features and Updates/1. New Feature - Switching to the Parent Frame.mp4 117.61 MB
7. Selenium 4 - New Features and Updates/11. NEW Feature - Getting the Element's Coordinates through Rectangle class.mp4 42.07 MB
7. Selenium 4 - New Features and Updates/13. Enhancements in Actions API and FindElement method.mp4 89.62 MB
7. Selenium 4 - New Features and Updates/3. New Feature - New Tabs and Windows.mp4 111.02 MB
7. Selenium 4 - New Features and Updates/5. New Feature - Handling Basic Authentication.mp4 18.73 MB
7. Selenium 4 - New Features and Updates/7. New Feature - Printing to PDF.mp4 71.26 MB
7. Selenium 4 - New Features and Updates/9. New Feature - Browser Options Capabilities.mp4 106.25 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/1. Introduction to Chrome DevTools Protocol.mp4 29.65 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/10. Running test on a slow network.mp4 62.18 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/12. Override Time zone values.mp4 26.18 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/14. Chrome console logs.mp4 85.83 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/16. Capturing Request and Response Headers.mp4 92.25 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/18. Get URL and Status for each request and response.mp4 25.58 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/2. Handling SSL Certificates.mp4 33.8 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/20. Adding Custom headers.mp4 26.33 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/22. Changing the browser User Agent.mp4 46.82 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/24. Enable Performance Metrics.mp4 43.82 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/4. Mocking GEO Locations.mp4 47.78 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/6. Simulate Device Views.mp4 51.88 MB
8. Chrome DevTools Protocols (CDP)/8. Blocking Network requests.mp4 29.57 MB
9. Page Load Strategies/1. Page Load Strategies - Normal, Eager and None.mp4 111.66 MB