[FreeCoursesOnline.Me] PacktPub - The Full Stack Web Developer Academy For Beginners [Video]
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7f1755b86a88ad3b1ca12579279f86f34cf41c44&dn=[FreeCoursesOnline.Me] PacktPub - The Full Stack Web Developer Academy For Beginners [Video]
6.82 GB
2021-1-18 03:36
2025-1-29 01:28
1.Welcome and let's get started!/001.Welcome to the course!.mp4 47.02 MB
1.Welcome and let's get started!/002.What you will need for this course.mp4 12.23 MB
1.Welcome and let's get started!/003.Understanding HTML.mp4 20.88 MB
10.Javascript - Loops, Arrays and objects/110.Javascript arrays.mp4 34.55 MB
10.Javascript - Loops, Arrays and objects/111.Array methods.mp4 19.24 MB
10.Javascript - Loops, Arrays and objects/112.Looping through arrays - forEach.mp4 77.92 MB
10.Javascript - Loops, Arrays and objects/113.Looping through arrays - map.mp4 46.65 MB
10.Javascript - Loops, Arrays and objects/114.Time to practice - Arrays.mp4 4.06 MB
10.Javascript - Loops, Arrays and objects/115.Solution- Arrays.mp4 8.68 MB
10.Javascript - Loops, Arrays and objects/116.For loop.mp4 132.84 MB
10.Javascript - Loops, Arrays and objects/117.While loop.mp4 47.52 MB
10.Javascript - Loops, Arrays and objects/118.Objects.mp4 100.81 MB
10.Javascript - Loops, Arrays and objects/119.Looping through objects.mp4 9.91 MB
10.Javascript - Loops, Arrays and objects/120.Object constructor function.mp4 110.27 MB
11.Javascript - Shape Matcher Game and RegEx/121.Const and let.mp4 123.77 MB
11.Javascript - Shape Matcher Game and RegEx/122.Generating a random shape.mp4 10.28 MB
11.Javascript - Shape Matcher Game and RegEx/123.Repeating with setInterval.mp4 11.98 MB
11.Javascript - Shape Matcher Game and RegEx/124.Template literals.mp4 19.04 MB
11.Javascript - Shape Matcher Game and RegEx/125.Comparing objects and scoring.mp4 23.39 MB
11.Javascript - Shape Matcher Game and RegEx/126.Introduction to regular expressions.mp4 32.55 MB
11.Javascript - Shape Matcher Game and RegEx/127.RegEx find and replace project.mp4 36.25 MB
12.API'S, fetching data and promises/128.HTTP, request and response.mp4 24.89 MB
12.API'S, fetching data and promises/129.What is an API.mp4 88.73 MB
12.API'S, fetching data and promises/130.Fetching data and query strings.mp4 30.05 MB
12.API'S, fetching data and promises/131.Async code and promises.mp4 93.49 MB
12.API'S, fetching data and promises/132.Map through results.mp4 32.1 MB
12.API'S, fetching data and promises/133.Creating our search query.mp4 21.33 MB
12.API'S, fetching data and promises/134.Improving our search.mp4 14.44 MB
12.API'S, fetching data and promises/135.Audio previews, capture and bubbling.mp4 109.51 MB
13.Setting up Node and Express/136.What we will be building.mp4 20.1 MB
13.Setting up Node and Express/137.What is Node & NPM.mp4 40.95 MB
13.Setting up Node and Express/138.Static v dynamic web server.mp4 12.26 MB
13.Setting up Node and Express/139.Express.js and express generator.mp4 24.65 MB
13.Setting up Node and Express/140.Express project structure.mp4 31.27 MB
13.Setting up Node and Express/141.Using Nodemon.mp4 16.18 MB
13.Setting up Node and Express/142.Serving static files.mp4 8.73 MB
14.Routing and templating/143.Introduction to Pug.mp4 22.19 MB
14.Routing and templating/144.Template inheritance.mp4 8.3 MB
14.Routing and templating/145.Time to practice - Creating the header.mp4 5.97 MB
14.Routing and templating/146.Solution - Creating the header.mp4 41.34 MB
14.Routing and templating/147.Mixins.mp4 33.93 MB
14.Routing and templating/148.Basic routing.mp4 29.55 MB
14.Routing and templating/149.Route parameters.mp4 12.86 MB
14.Routing and templating/150.MVC Pattern.mp4 7.71 MB
14.Routing and templating/151.Using controllers.mp4 21.33 MB
14.Routing and templating/152.Using middleware.mp4 23.52 MB
15.Mongo and Mongoose/153.Important Update - mLab now part of Mongo.mp4 13.17 MB
15.Mongo and Mongoose/154.Getting started with Mongo.mp4 22.22 MB
15.Mongo and Mongoose/155.Mongoose models.mp4 15.59 MB
15.Mongo and Mongoose/156.Creating our hotel upload form.mp4 37.03 MB
15.Mongo and Mongoose/157.Pushing to the database.mp4 32.82 MB
15.Mongo and Mongoose/158.Querying the database.mp4 99.33 MB
15.Mongo and Mongoose/159.Distinct values.mp4 54.23 MB
15.Mongo and Mongoose/160.The aggregation pipelines.mp4 68.65 MB
15.Mongo and Mongoose/161.The edit and remove form.mp4 62.4 MB
15.Mongo and Mongoose/162.Updating records.mp4 66.17 MB
15.Mongo and Mongoose/163.Deleting records.mp4 32.21 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/164.Hotel detail view.mp4 35.92 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/165.Locals and conditional rendering.mp4 53.85 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/166.Hotels by country.mp4 43.68 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/167.Styling the header- small screen.mp4 25.05 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/168.Styling the content- small screen.mp4 25.86 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/169.Large screen styling.mp4 58.39 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/170.Countries mixin.mp4 13.22 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/171.Promise.all and array destructuring.mp4 20.55 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/172.Environment variables.mp4 21.25 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/173.Handling file uploads.mp4 27.99 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/174.Saving images to the cloud.mp4 19.66 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/175.Retrieving images form the cloud.mp4 20.93 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/176.Hotel search form part 1.mp4 45.69 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/177.Hotel search form part 2.mp4 24.04 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/178.Search results template.mp4 45.95 MB
16.Styling and pushing on with our app/179.Hotel detail search from.mp4 38.21 MB
17.User Accounts and Authentication/180.Creating the user model.mp4 13.59 MB
17.User Accounts and Authentication/181.Sign up form.mp4 24.07 MB
17.User Accounts and Authentication/182.Validating user input and Passing..sanitizing.mp4 42.13 MB
17.User Accounts and Authentication/183.Registering new users.mp4 29.18 MB
17.User Accounts and Authentication/184.Password encryption.mp4 14.19 MB
17.User Accounts and Authentication/185.Logging in.mp4 38.63 MB
17.User Accounts and Authentication/186.Logging out.mp4 12.25 MB
17.User Accounts and Authentication/187.Working with sessions.mp4 36.82 MB
17.User Accounts and Authentication/188.Providing user feedback with flash messages.mp4 42.19 MB
17.User Accounts and Authentication/189.User conditional rendering.mp4 30.14 MB
18.Making bookings and the user dashboard/190.The order model.mp4 55.73 MB
18.Making bookings and the user dashboard/191.Booking confirmation page.mp4 48.2 MB
18.Making bookings and the user dashboard/192.Placing orders.mp4 30.75 MB
18.Making bookings and the user dashboard/193.User account area.mp4 42.17 MB
18.Making bookings and the user dashboard/194.Displaying all orders.mp4 22.12 MB
18.Making bookings and the user dashboard/195.Final CSS.mp4 28.71 MB
19.Publishing to a live server/196.Preparing for production.mp4 120.7 MB
19.Publishing to a live server/197.Pushing our app to Heroku.mp4 156.79 MB
2.Beginning HTML/004.Setting up a web project.mp4 32.51 MB
2.Beginning HTML/005.Structuring a web page.mp4 40.97 MB
2.Beginning HTML/006.HTML Headings.mp4 21.84 MB
2.Beginning HTML/007.Div and span.mp4 12.17 MB
2.Beginning HTML/008.Adding paragraphs and text.mp4 8.49 MB
2.Beginning HTML/009.Text emphasis, importance and formatting.mp4 15.66 MB
2.Beginning HTML/010.HTML Lists.mp4 11.89 MB
2.Beginning HTML/011.Time to practice - Create the project lists.mp4 17 MB
2.Beginning HTML/012.Working with images.mp4 18.3 MB
2.Beginning HTML/013.Links.mp4 28.1 MB
2.Beginning HTML/014.Time to practice - Linking to pages.mp4 11.2 MB
2.Beginning HTML/015.What are semantic elements.mp4 8.79 MB
2.Beginning HTML/016.Adding semantic elements into our project.mp4 19.21 MB
2.Beginning HTML/017.Time to practice - Adding more products.mp4 5.92 MB
2.Beginning HTML/018.Solution - Adding more products.mp4 18.54 MB
2.Beginning HTML/019.HTML Comments.mp4 12.3 MB
2.Beginning HTML/020.HTML entities and symbols.mp4 23.98 MB
2.Beginning HTML/021.Time to practice - Product detail page.mp4 12.99 MB
20.Thank You/198.Thank you and congratulations!.mp4 25.42 MB
3.Forms, Tables & iFrames/022.HTML Tables.mp4 116.36 MB
3.Forms, Tables & iFrames/023.HTML Forms.mp4 18.35 MB
3.Forms, Tables & iFrames/024.Form labels, name and id.mp4 10.32 MB
3.Forms, Tables & iFrames/025.Checkboxes and radio buttons.mp4 21.8 MB
3.Forms, Tables & iFrames/026.Select input.mp4 21.34 MB
3.Forms, Tables & iFrames/027.Datalist & submit.mp4 28.9 MB
3.Forms, Tables & iFrames/028.Other useful form elements.mp4 17.5 MB
3.Forms, Tables & iFrames/029.Iframes.mp4 24.91 MB
3.Forms, Tables & iFrames/030.Adding Google maps.mp4 22.93 MB
4.Beginning CSS/031.Understanding CSS.mp4 35.2 MB
4.Beginning CSS/032.Inline styles and adding color.mp4 24.69 MB
4.Beginning CSS/033.Internal stylesheets.mp4 16.24 MB
4.Beginning CSS/034.Exterrnal stylesheets.mp4 11.29 MB
4.Beginning CSS/035.Fonts.mp4 22.89 MB
4.Beginning CSS/036.Classes and id's.mp4 19.1 MB
4.Beginning CSS/037.Margin and padding.mp4 19.64 MB
4.Beginning CSS/038.Block, inline and inline block.mp4 30.74 MB
4.Beginning CSS/039.The box models.mp4 16.15 MB
4.Beginning CSS/040.List styling.mp4 17.11 MB
4.Beginning CSS/041.Styling links and psuedo classes.mp4 22.51 MB
4.Beginning CSS/042.Float and clear.mp4 24.47 MB
4.Beginning CSS/043.The position property.mp4 20.83 MB
4.Beginning CSS/044.Styling forms and inputs.mp4 64.12 MB
4.Beginning CSS/045.Time to practice-final project styling.mp4 3.67 MB
4.Beginning CSS/046.Solution - final project styling.mp4 15.35 MB
4.Beginning CSS/047.Specificity and the cascade.mp4 137.14 MB
5.Responsive Design/048.What is responsive design.mp4 25.47 MB
5.Responsive Design/049.The viewport meta tag.mp4 52.74 MB
5.Responsive Design/050.Scalable units.mp4 20.93 MB
5.Responsive Design/051.Fluid layout.mp4 14.22 MB
5.Responsive Design/052.Understanding media queries.mp4 23.85 MB
5.Responsive Design/053.Mobile first styling.mp4 12.01 MB
5.Responsive Design/054.Styling for medium devices.mp4 14.03 MB
5.Responsive Design/055.Styling for large devices.mp4 27.8 MB
5.Responsive Design/056.Picture and srcset.mp4 21.31 MB
5.Responsive Design/057.Time to practice - Add responsiveness to project.mp4 10.83 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/058.What is Flexbox.mp4 34.37 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/059.Flex direction.mp4 56.45 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/060.Flex wrap and justify content.mp4 63.23 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/061.Align items.mp4 61.95 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/062.Align content.mp4 10.17 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/063.Controlling child items- order.mp4 7.46 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/064.Controlling child items - grow and shrink.mp4 81.81 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/065.Controlling child items - alignment.mp4 31.21 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/066.Time to practice - Integrate Flexbox into Tech Store.mp4 5.31 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/067.What is the CSS Grid.mp4 2.4 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/068.First look at the grid.mp4 91.41 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/069.Grid gaps.mp4 27.25 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/070.Track repeating and the for unit.mp4 39.35 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/071.Min and max track sizes.mp4 7.57 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/072.Grid line numbers.mp4 91.35 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/073.Grid line names.mp4 14.59 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/074.Grid template areas.mp4 20.52 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/075.Nesting grids.mp4 9.84 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/076.Alignment.mp4 16.13 MB
6.CSS - Flexbox & Grid/077.Time to practice - Song Finder layout.mp4 15.36 MB
7.Bootstrap 4/078.What is Bootstrap.mp4 12.71 MB
7.Bootstrap 4/079.What we will be building.mp4 10.61 MB
7.Bootstrap 4/080.Creating a Bootstrap project.mp4 22.21 MB
7.Bootstrap 4/081.The Bootstrap grid.mp4 18.01 MB
7.Bootstrap 4/082.Adding images and text.mp4 33.46 MB
7.Bootstrap 4/083.Bootstrap navbars.mp4 26.72 MB
7.Bootstrap 4/084.Bootstrap carousels.mp4 19.48 MB
7.Bootstrap 4/085.Adding controls to the carousel.mp4 20.09 MB
7.Bootstrap 4/086.Bootstrap modals.mp4 26.78 MB
7.Bootstrap 4/087.Bootstrap forms.mp4 44.11 MB
7.Bootstrap 4/088.Bootstrap utilities.mp4 43.37 MB
8.Javascript - Basics and Control Flow/089.Variables, strings and numbers.mp4 90.68 MB
8.Javascript - Basics and Control Flow/090.Javascript arithmetic and operators.mp4 78.28 MB
8.Javascript - Basics and Control Flow/091.Alert, prompt and confirm.mp4 90.46 MB
8.Javascript - Basics and Control Flow/092.If_else statements and comparison.mp4 75.84 MB
8.Javascript - Basics and Control Flow/093.Nesting if else statements.mp4 41.21 MB
8.Javascript - Basics and Control Flow/094.Else if and logical operators.mp4 56.08 MB
8.Javascript - Basics and Control Flow/095.The ternary operator.mp4 50.67 MB
8.Javascript - Basics and Control Flow/096.The switch statements.mp4 61.49 MB
8.Javascript - Basics and Control Flow/097.Time to practice - The dragon slayer game.mp4 121.21 MB
9.Javascript - DOM Manipulation, functions and events/098.DOM Manipulation.mp4 34.61 MB
9.Javascript - DOM Manipulation, functions and events/099.Adding and removing..Javascript.mp4 23.46 MB
9.Javascript - DOM Manipulation, functions and events/100.Time to practice.. Javascript.mp4 3.39 MB
9.Javascript - DOM Manipulation, functions and events/101.Javascript functions.mp4 50.65 MB
9.Javascript - DOM Manipulation, functions and events/102.Function arguments.mp4 46.04 MB
9.Javascript - DOM Manipulation, functions and events/103.Scope and hoisting.mp4 108.69 MB
9.Javascript - DOM Manipulation, functions and events/104.Arrow functions.mp4 38.35 MB
9.Javascript - DOM Manipulation, functions and events/105.Javascript events.mp4 24.17 MB
9.Javascript - DOM Manipulation, functions and events/106.The event objects.mp4 9.26 MB
9.Javascript - DOM Manipulation, functions and events/107.External Javascript.mp4 28.34 MB
9.Javascript - DOM Manipulation, functions and events/108.Time to practice pixel to em converter.mp4 21.78 MB
9.Javascript - DOM Manipulation, functions and events/109.Solution - pixel to em converter.mp4 93.94 MB