PDF Pack Release 5
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:A36AAB950FE499577DA7AF27D4DE1FF20CCC9CC9&dn=PDF Pack Release 5
190.99 MB
2013-2-10 08:14
2025-3-27 09:53
Viruses Revealed Understanding and Counter Malicious Software.pdf 49.94 MB
Techniques virales avanc%2b%aees.pdf 18.2 MB
The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense.pdf 9.89 MB
The Dangers of Computer Viruses Implications for 21st Century Educators.pdf 9.02 MB
The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses.pdf 5.73 MB
Virus Tutorial.pdf 2.74 MB
The worm that turned A social use of computer viruses.pdf 2.71 MB
The Internet Worm Program An Analysis.pdf 2.34 MB
Using Plant Epidemiological Methods To Track Computer Network Worms.pdf 2.34 MB
Virus als Metapher.pdf 2.25 MB
Using the KBTA method for inferring computer and network security alerts from time-stamped, raw system metrics.pdf 1.84 MB
The Use of Heuristics in Identifying Self-Propagating Malicious Mobile Code.pdf 1.82 MB
Trojan White Paper.pdf 1.8 MB
The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses (2nd ed.).pdf 1.73 MB
The Rise of AutoRunBased Malware.pdf 1.67 MB
Technological Turf Wars A Case Study of the Computer Antivirus Industry.pdf 1.67 MB
The Pathology of Computer Viruses.pdf 1.43 MB
The Shockwave Rider.pdf 1.41 MB
The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses.pdf 1.39 MB
Technologically Enabled Crime Shifting Paradigms for the Year 2000.pdf 1.38 MB
Testing Time for Antivirus Software.pdf 1.37 MB
Trojans Worms and Spyware A Computer Security Professional's Guide to Malicious Code.pdf 1.31 MB
Viruses and Worms--What Can You Do.pdf 1.2 MB
The Role of Internet Service Providers in Botnet Mitigation An Empirical Analysis Based on Spam Data.pdf 1.17 MB
With Microscope and Tweezers The Worm from MITS Perspective.pdf 1.17 MB
Unknown Malcode Detection and the Imbalance Problem.pdf 1.16 MB
The Internet Worm Crisis and Aftermath.pdf 1.13 MB
The Art of File Format Fuzzing.pdf 1.12 MB
Using Virtualisation to Protect Against Zero-Day Attacks.pdf 1.11 MB
Viruses, Worms, Zombies, and other Beasties.pdf 1.09 MB
Towards an undetectable computer virus.pdf 1.07 MB
The Emergence of the Posthuman Consumer and the Fusion of the Virtual and the Real.pdf 1.03 MB
The Worm Programs--Early Experience with a Distributed Intelligence.pdf 924.65 KB
The Worm Programs - Early Experience with a Distributed Computation.pdf 869.9 KB
Towards Stealthy Malware Detection.pdf 861.43 KB
The Blaster Worm - The View from 10,000 feet.pdf 830.12 KB
Threat Intelligence Gathering, Malware Collection and Incident Response Proposal Discover, Investigate and Report.pdf 810.4 KB
The geneology of malware.pdf 785.09 KB
Understanding Computer Viruses.pdf 779.29 KB
Viruses and Criminal Law.pdf 729.26 KB
Testing the SETIHacker Hypothesis.pdf 672.76 KB
Viral Attacks On UNIX System Security.pdf 669.44 KB
The SASSER Event History and Implications.pdf 653.17 KB
The Internet Motion Sensor A Distributed Blackhole Monitoring System.pdf 645.69 KB
USC-OIA Special Virus Report.pdf 642.54 KB
Viral Bodies, Virtual Practices.pdf 632.1 KB
VT Integrity Services for Networking.pdf 607.76 KB
The impact of Microsoft Windows infection vectors on IP network traffic patterns.pdf 593.46 KB
The Application of Epidemiology to Computer Viruses.pdf 588.64 KB
The Impact of Countermeasure Propagation on the Prevalence of Computer Viruses.pdf 580.73 KB
Virus Detection System - VDS.pdf 574.96 KB
Using Predators to Combat Worms and Viruses A Simulation-Based Study.pdf 572.08 KB
System Dynamic Model for Computer Virus Prevalance.pdf 569.74 KB
The Father Christmas worm.pdf 569.66 KB
Virus ex machina res ipsa loquitur.pdf 567.69 KB
Virus Prevention Without Signatures.pdf 531.07 KB
Visualizing Windows Executable Viruses Using Self-Organizing Maps.pdf 531.02 KB
TIBS.pdf 515.5 KB
Using Spatio-Temporal Information in API Calls with Machine Learning Algorithms for Malware Detection.pdf 513.47 KB
The Latest Malware Threats Against Your PC.pdf 510.97 KB
When Malware Meets Rootkits.pdf 493.31 KB
Utilizing Entropy to Identify Undetected Malware.pdf 490.76 KB
Taxonomy and Effectiveness of Worm Defense Strategies.pdf 487.91 KB
Using Entropy Analysis to Find Encrypted and Packed Malware.pdf 466.75 KB
VirusMeter Preventing Your Cellphone from Spies.pdf 462.54 KB
The Costly Implications of Consulting in a Virus-Infected Computer Environment.pdf 457.72 KB
Worm wars.pdf 446.91 KB
Virus Spread in Networks.pdf 436.18 KB
Unknown Computer Virus Detection Inspired by Immunity.pdf 429.56 KB
The WiT virus A virus built on the ViT ELF virus.pdf 419.16 KB
Tools for Finding and Removing Rootkits.pdf 418.41 KB
Viruses and Worms The Inside Story.pdf 414.08 KB
The Cornell Commission On Morris and the Worm.pdf 403.63 KB
Virus Techniques.pdf 401.83 KB
Zeroing in on Metamorphic Computer Viruses.pdf 401.56 KB
The Norman Book on Computer Viruses.pdf 387.98 KB
Using Formal Grammar and Genetic Operators to Evolve Malware.pdf 387.95 KB
Worm Hotspots Explaining Non-Uniformity in Worm Targeting Behavior.pdf 382.81 KB
polyunpack.pdf 372.04 KB
Worm Detection Using Local Networks.pdf 371.5 KB
TTAnalyze A Tool for Analyzing Malware.pdf 370.93 KB
Taking the redpill Artificial Evolution in native x86 systems.pdf 370.31 KB
Virus Writers 360.pdf 368.61 KB
Using Support Vector Machine to Detect Unknown Computer Viruses.pdf 358.7 KB
Virology_101(Usenix).pdf 358.64 KB
Worm Epidemiology.pdf 351.99 KB
Viruses Bottleneck Prosecution.pdf 348.96 KB
Virus Scanners for Multiple OSes.pdf 348.03 KB
Testing Malware Detectors.pdf 339.02 KB
The Impact of Computer Viruses on Society.pdf 332.99 KB
Two Bills Equal Forewarning.pdf 322.58 KB
The Virtual Artaud Computer Virus as Performance Art.pdf 320.82 KB
Use of an Attenuated Computer Virus as a Mechanism for Teaching Epidemiology.pdf 319.61 KB
Worm Analysis through Computer Simulation.pdf 317.61 KB
Towards Systematic Evaluation of the Evadability of Bot,Botnet Detection Methods.pdf 314.35 KB
Viruses and Worms.pdf 311.35 KB
White-box attack context cryptovirology.pdf 300.99 KB
Worm Meets Beehive.pdf 298 KB
Virus detection using datamining techniques.pdf 296.77 KB
Treating scalability and modelling human countermeasures against local preference worms via gradient models.pdf 290 KB
Turing Machines and Undecidability with Special Focus on Computer Viruses.pdf 283.88 KB
Virii Generators Understanding the Threat.pdf 281.81 KB
Taiwan's first ever political computer virus.pdf 281.32 KB
Viruses and Worms The Best Defense is Awareness.pdf 277.22 KB
Worm Anatomy and Model.pdf 267.17 KB
The Basic Building Blocks of Malware.pdf 266.83 KB
Using Engine Signature to Detect Metamorphic Malware.pdf 266.04 KB
User-mode memory scanning on 32-bit & 64-bit windows.pdf 262.13 KB
Ukrainian-Russian Hackers the Stealth Group and Its Leader, LovinGOD.pdf 256.45 KB
Worm Propagation Modeling and Analysis under Dynamic Quarantine Defense.pdf 253.36 KB
Testing and evaluating virus detectors for handheld devices.pdf 226.69 KB
Virus Inoculation on Social Graphs The Friendship Factor.pdf 217.37 KB
Taking a Lesson from Stealthy Rootkits.pdf 216.71 KB
The Legislative Response to the Evolution of Computer Viruses.pdf 215.46 KB
The Bulgarian and Soviet Virus Factories.pdf 212.92 KB
The Zombie Roundup Understanding, Detecting, and Disrupting Botnets.pdf 212 KB
The Computer Virus -- From There to Here.pdf 210.83 KB
The Danger Theory and Its Application to Artificial Immune Systems.pdf 210.45 KB
SweetBait Zero-Hour Worm Detection and Containment Using Honeypots.pdf 209.95 KB
There Are No Safe Virus Tests.pdf 208.72 KB
The dynamics of computer virus infection.pdf 204.65 KB
Viruses and Lotus Notes- Have the Virus Writers Finally Met Their Match.pdf 204.37 KB
Using biological models to improve innovation systems.pdf 201.36 KB
Unpredictable Legacies Viral Games in the Networked World.pdf 200.22 KB
Young Nussbaum Monin PSPB 2007.pdf 194.16 KB
With Microscope and Tweezers An Analysis of the Internet Virus of November 1988.pdf 193.05 KB
Worms of the future.pdf 192.25 KB
The Future of Internet Worms.pdf 190.02 KB
Toward an abstract computer virology.pdf 188.83 KB
Viruses and Computer Security.pdf 184.78 KB
The Risk of Debug Codes in Batch what are debug codes and why they are dangerous.pdf 184.46 KB
There Is No Ideal Virus Scanner.pdf 183.24 KB
The Effect of DNS Delays on Worm Propagation in an IPv6 Internet.pdf 174.69 KB
The Case for Using Layered Defenses to Stop Worms.pdf 173.95 KB
Unknown Malcode Detection via Text Categorization and the Imbalance Problem.pdf 170.8 KB
Trends in Viruses and Worms.pdf 164.71 KB
Towards Automated Defense from Rootkit Attacks.pdf 164.41 KB
System and method for detecting malicious executable code.pdf 162.91 KB
Unknown Malicious Code Detection # Practical Issues.pdf 161.69 KB
Viral polymorphism.pdf 161.33 KB
Using Malware to Improve Software Quality and Security.pdf 159.8 KB
The Engine of the Underground The Elite-Kiddie Divide.pdf 159.32 KB
Viruses & spam fuel new laws.pdf 155.7 KB
creation dun Web Worm.pdf 155.02 KB
Viruses and the Law.pdf 154.92 KB
The Code of Life A look at emerging Artificial Life.pdf 154.33 KB
The Ecology of Malware.pdf 149.9 KB
The Code Red Worm.pdf 148.33 KB
The Social Psychology of Computer Viruses and Worms.pdf 148.02 KB
Virus Verification and Removal Tools and Techniques.pdf 147.49 KB
Windows Rootkits.pdf 146.43 KB
Worm Epidemics in High-Speed Networks.pdf 144.64 KB
Worm Defense System for Enterprise Networks.pdf 143.46 KB
Viruses, Worms, and Trojan Horses Serious Crimes, Nuisance, or Both.pdf 142.45 KB
Virus authors faster to the kill.pdf 142.02 KB
Using Qualia and Hierarchical Models in Malware Detection.pdf 140.61 KB
Winning the battles, losing the war Rethinking methodology for forensic computing research.pdf 138.81 KB
TheV-Files A dictionary of file threats.pdf 134.98 KB
The solution in the naming chaos.pdf 134.65 KB
The Evolution of Viruses and Worms.pdf 132.59 KB
When Computer Viruses Strike.pdf 130.02 KB
Why Anti-Virus Software Cannot Stop the Spread of Email Worms.pdf 128.95 KB
Viral Evolution.pdf 128.18 KB
The Java mobile risk.pdf 127.44 KB
The Impact of Countermeasure Spreading on the Prevalence of Computer Viruses.pdf 124.22 KB
Throttling Viruses Restricting propagation to defeat malicious mobile code.pdf 121.92 KB
Viruses in France The French Connection - II.pdf 121.08 KB
Using Code Normalization for Fighting Self-Mutating Malware.pdf 120.62 KB
The Virus is Worse than the Cure.pdf 119.81 KB
Zmist Opportunities.pdf 119.27 KB
TAU cure for computer viruses.pdf 118.53 KB
The Asexual Virus Computer Viruses in Feminist Discourse.pdf 116.75 KB
Viruses Are Beginning to Get to Me!.pdf 115.78 KB
Virus Prevention, Cure and Hoaxes.pdf 114.37 KB
VX Reversing I, the basics.pdf 113.19 KB
The future of virus detection.pdf 112.85 KB
The Virus Hunter.pdf 110.9 KB
Virus Writers The End of The Innocence.pdf 109.07 KB
The ABC of computer security.pdf 104.6 KB
The Design Space of Metamorphic Malware.pdf 102.26 KB
The Internet Worm Incident.pdf 100.44 KB
Thoughts about Cross-View based Rootkit Detection.pdf 98.83 KB
Virus attack - how computer networks could heal themselves.pdf 97.39 KB
The motivation behind computer viruses.pdf 97.14 KB
Using Markov Chains to Filter Machine-morphed Variants of Malicious Programs.pdf 96.34 KB
Windows Rootkit Overview.pdf 94.56 KB
Understanding and Managing Polymorphic Viruses.pdf 94 KB
Warnings of a Dark Future The Emergence of Machine Intelligence.pdf 92.88 KB
Viruses That Intricate Yarn.pdf 92.68 KB
Viruses 101.pdf 92.17 KB
VX Reversing II, Sasser.B.pdf 91.82 KB
Where have the worms and viruses gone - new trends in malware.pdf 91.48 KB
The Virus Underground.pdf 90.09 KB
Threats to Digitization Computer Virus.pdf 89.04 KB
The metamorphosis of malware writers.pdf 83.29 KB
What is Wild.pdf 83.18 KB
Using Verification Technology to Specify and Detect Malware.pdf 80.85 KB
The Future of Malware.pdf 80.53 KB
Virus Protection.pdf 79.57 KB
Viruses Are Not Speech.pdf 79.39 KB
Trends of Spyware, Viruses and Exploits.pdf 77.54 KB
The Computer Virus Culture.pdf 77.02 KB
The More Things Change....pdf 72.67 KB
Vx-trading.pdf 70.68 KB
Trap E-mail Address for Combating E-mail Viruses.pdf 70.31 KB
Zero-hour, Real-time Computer Virus Defense through Collaborative Filtering.pdf 69.77 KB
Trapping Viruses.pdf 68.46 KB
Tumours and polips.pdf 67.31 KB
Vulnerabilities as monsters the cultural foundations of computer security (extended abstract).pdf 66.54 KB
Understanding Virus Behavior in 32-bit Operating Environments.pdf 64.98 KB
The wormpipe strikes back.pdf 64.44 KB
Virentechniken Analyse und Metamorphismus.pdf 64.07 KB
The Real Cost of a Virus Outbreak.pdf 62.44 KB
The Evolution of the Computer Virus.pdf 61.74 KB
The Future of Bot Worms.pdf 60.86 KB
Timing Rootkits.pdf 60.31 KB
Twinkle, twinkle little star.pdf 59.55 KB
To catch Efish.pdf 59.55 KB
The malware naming chaos.pdf 59.14 KB
Viruses a concern for all of us.pdf 58.74 KB
What's in a Name.pdf 58.67 KB
The Race Against Malicious Software.pdf 49.72 KB
The missing LNK.pdf 47.46 KB
The Evolving Virus Threat.pdf 45.89 KB
Those ubiquitous viruses.pdf 43.12 KB
The Case for Beneficial Computer Viruses and Worms.pdf 42.53 KB
The Challenge of Being Prepared for Tomorrows MalWare Today.pdf 41.95 KB
The biology of digital organisms.pdf 41.94 KB
Un combate con el Kerado.pdf 40.69 KB
You've got M()a(D)i(L+K)l.pdf 40.67 KB
Viruses using .NET Framework.pdf 40.3 KB
Taming Lakatos' Monster - Computer Virus Epidemics and Internet Security Policy.pdf 39.22 KB
Unexpected Resutls [sic].pdf 38.93 KB
The road less truvelled.pdf 38.75 KB
VIRUS, Very Important Resource Under Siege.pdf 38.19 KB
When Java Was One Threats From Hostile Byte Code.pdf 38.16 KB
Viral Style Technology, Culture, and the Politics of Infection.pdf 35.62 KB
Time machine.pdf 31.63 KB
The cause and effects of computer viruses.pdf 30.68 KB
Writing disassembler.pdf 27.01 KB
What's the difference between a Virus, Worm, and Trojan horse.pdf 21.5 KB
The Brains Behind the Operation.pdf 21.27 KB
Virology 101.pdf 20.74 KB
The Bulgarian Computer Virus Factory.pdf 9.55 KB
Virus Trends 2003-2004.pdf 9.34 KB
Web Sites Hawk Instructions On Making Computer Viruses.pdf 8.49 KB
Universal Procedures to Protect Against Computer Viruses.pdf 6.17 KB
The Bite of the Computer Virus.pdf 3.82 KB